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ENGLISH 2019-02-11T17:05:08+02:00

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Jeep Tours, Fun Days and Outdoor Adventures

Further to our conversation, following are a number of details about Palgei Bazelet and the activities we have to offer:

For over 10 years, Palgei Bazelet has been conducting tours, and in the past few years, we have specialized in jeep tours and organizing fun, outdoor adventures for families and groups. We provide tailor-made programs suited to your budget and routes suited to the age and character of your group and the budget, while providing the best level of service to you, our customer.

Guided Tours

Hikes and tours are led by professional guides with extensive experience and genuine knowledge of the field, while using buses, private cars or long walking paths.
These trips go into obscure and charming little spots with seasonal flora, waterfalls, buildings and places with fascinating stories about them, ancient synagogues and more…
Exciting and captivating guiding!

Jeep Tours

There are diverse and multiple options for jeep tours, with a vast array of routes to choose from. We put together a program and pick the route that suits your group and your pocket. The jeep routes take you to places that you would never reach on a regular tour and allow the participant to get a feel for nature – full force in all its grandeur.
Following are a number of options:

The Dawn Excursion "From Darkness to Light" –

This trip departs with the first sign of light, with the call of the morning rooster… On this excursion, we take advantage of the cool, fresh hours of the morning and enjoy the wonderful air: A drive to the area of the Semekh Stream, fantastic views of the western slopes of the Golan Heights. On this trip, there is a very good chance of encountering wildlife still not finished with its nighttime activity, and we enjoy a break with herbal tea and cake overlooking the landscape.
Highly recommended, especially in the hot summer months.

Day Trips – From Morning to Sunset

Trips for two hours or more.
There are multiple options with trip routes that include challenging field adventures, with breathtaking ascents and descents, amazing panoramic vistas, paths crossing flowing streams of water and drives through webs of hydra-vegetation. On warm days, we can stop to splash in the clear cool spring water. We can go to historical sites such as ancient synagogues from the period of the Mishna and the initial ancient settlers.
Tours of 3 and 4 hours include short hikes through waterbeds and guided tours of historical sites. Tours at sundown gain the added value of the phenomenal colors in the sky and the view of the water fowl asleep for the night. The recommended routes are in the area of the western slopes of the southern Golan Heights and the northern end of the Sea of Galilee. There are additional routes in the northern Golan Heights, the Jordan Valley and around the Sea of Galilee, the Upper Galilee and the Hula Valley.

Evening Outings – Departures in the Dark

As darkness descends, we depart to discover the nightlife of the Golan. With open air jeeps and a flashlight projector in hand we shall discover that the Golan at night is not a quiet place… and we are not talking about pubs or movie theaters, but about the natural wildlife.
The jeeps will take us to the fields familiar to local jeep drivers alone, through mountains and riverbeds and en route we shall see the wild life that the Golan offers along the way – foxes, jackals, night fowl, a variety of crawling creatures and maybe even wild pigs, wolves and more.
During the trip, we will stop to see the amazing nighttime views and sit under the heavens and the stars, and look at the array of lights sparkling around the Sea of Galilee and its surroundings, while we listen to the silence around us…

The evening outings have a special atmosphere of their own, nature trips, in the dark, on invisible routes (though our jeep drivers see them vividly, as they would even if their eyes were closed). With the wildlife around us, the participants are fascinated and the trip turns into an unforgettable experience.

  • During the trips, a professional guide provides a wealth of interesting background and information.
  • English-speaking guides available on the same high level as our Hebrew guiding.
  • Every jeep is driven by a skilled jeep driver who knows the route well and conducts the trip in a friendly pleasant atmosphere.
  • Jeeps for 6-7 people (with an option for a jeep for 8 by advance reservation).
  • Air-conditioned jeeps available.
  • Groups can reduce the cost of jeep trips by departure in cycles of an hour, hour and a half or two hours simultaneously with other activities or staying at the hotel.

A Sing-along like we had in days gone by…

Along the way, as part of the trip, a sing-along can be included.
The members of your group will be surprised in the middle of the natural setting by a sing-around-the-campfire with a special atmosphere. The sing-along includes a cackling campfire, mats and pillows around the campfire, torches and oil lamps adding to the atmosphere… hot herbal tea with fruit or cookies.

Baked potatoes and onions from the campfire can also be included at the sing-along with hot pitas from the taboun oven, sweet flaming bananas, marshmallows, hot spiced wine, and other ideas for special treats from the fire.

"The Race in the Golan"

The One of a Kind "Race in the Golan" by Jeep

This is an entertaining race in the reality program style, full of experiences and surprises, all on the dirt roads in the fields and landscapes of the Golan Heights.
You wear colorful overalls and are equipped with game kits that include a compass, a map, a flashlight, a tape measure, a flag, binoculars, digging tools and more…
Each group departs with its jeep and driver for an adventure with tasks to complete in the field… Along the route, the participants will cope with challenges and different dilemmas that they will have to resolve by team work in order to proceed on their course to reach the final destination where the treasure awaits them at the end of the hunt. The teams will try to earn as many bags of coins as possible and to loose as few as possible as they purchase hints and answers…
The route will take you over paths on the western slopes of the southern Golan Heights with phenomenal views and a wealth of nature.

During the game, the teams will enjoy refreshments with hot or cold beverages, but not before taking the numbers on the deer waiting for them in the field, and unlocking the box of surprises…
The winning team gets a bottle of wine and fruit (or another prize at an additional cost).

For the agent and the head of the group only (which should remain as a surprise for the group): The game includes navigation on bicycles, going into a Syrian bunker, digging in the ground, deciphering writing in different languages, water, cows in a barn… and more.


* Varied and diverse fun programs and activities can be suited to almost any group and every budget.

  • Palgi Basalt has a comprehensive insurance policy with coverage for the participant throughout the jeep tour and the activities included in the program when descending from the jeep to observe the landscape and walking along hiking paths.
  • All of the jeeps are insured and certified by the Ministry of Tourism, the Ministry of Transportation and a Safety Officer. The drivers have extensive experience in the field and conduct the trip in a pleasant manner and enjoyable atmosphere.
  • We provide our customers with consultation services for their trips with us and in the tailoring of trip programs to suit the group.

Happy to be at your service at any time,

Avner and Sarit

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